On the seemingly peaceful but lively lightning


Wildlife artist-Le randonneurOn quiet but lively appearance as éclairLorsqu’il wanders along the rivers in search of fish, grizzly apparently peaceful and clumsy. Warning! This is an illusion, it still lurks around to not be surprised by a rival congener. Hungriest easily take the place of filled bear, sometimes with great ferocity and rarely fatal. Fishing they learn the technique with their mother when they are very small, it takes on their part which only the boldest and address a particular speed and the strongest pass this feat. These fisheries, we have observed in the rivers of Alaska where I collected a large number of sketches and pictures. The grizzly shown in my painting arrives at its point of water for its fishing session, we had leisure to enjoy in silence.




“The Hiker” made ​​in gouache on Canson board.

Price: on request Original

Format: 75 x 50 cm

Art reproductions, signed, numbered, available here